Specijalne osobine
parking mesto, interfon, namešten, internet, kablovska, klimatizovano
Dodatne informacije
U prilici smo da vam ponudimo poslovni prostor za izdavanje, smešten u lokaciji nedaleko od Botaničke bašte.
Ovaj prostor se nalazi na visokom prizemlju stambene zgrade koja ima ukupno tri sprata, omogućavajući lakoću pristupa i diskretnost.
Struktura prostora obuhvata tri pažljivo raspoređene kancelarijske prostorije koje nude mirno radno okruženje, savršeno za produktivnost.
Tu je i manja, ali funkcionalna kuhinja koja je pogodna za pripremu osvežavajućih napitaka i brzu užinu, kao i toalet koji je praktičan i uredan.
Centralno grejanje osigurava prijatnu temperaturu tokom cele godine, doprinoseći celokupnom komforu prostora.
Ovaj poslovni prostor predstavlja izuzetan potencijal za različite delatnosti, uključujući otvaranje advokatske ili računovodstvene kancelarije, kao i ostale administrativne poslove.
Povezanost sa savremenim komunikacionim tokovima je garantovana, zahvaljujući unapred postavljenim linijama za brzi internet.
Za one koji cene dobru povezanost, blizina svih neophodnih saobraćajnih linija olakšava svakodnevne poslovne aktivnosti i brz dolazak do željene destinacije.
Osim što zgrada poseduje vrhunsku ventilaciju, izolacija i kvalitetna gradnja samo naglašavaju njen kvalitet gradnje.
Poslovni prostor je dostupan za useljenje od 1. februara i spreman je da postane sedište vašeg uspešnog poslovanja.
Agencijska provizija 50%
Kontakt telefoni : 011/6707565; 060/5449-002; 011/2015-718
We have the opportunity to offer you office space for rent, located in a location not far from the Botanical Garden.
This space is located on the high ground floor of a residential building that has a total of three floors, allowing for ease of access and discretion.
The structure of the space includes three carefully arranged office rooms that offer a quiet working environment, perfect for productivity.
There is also a smaller but functional kitchen that is suitable for preparing refreshing drinks and a quick snack, as well as a toilet that is practical and tidy.
Central heating ensures a pleasant temperature throughout the year, contributing to the overall comfort of the space.
This office space represents an exceptional potential for various activities, including the opening of a law or accounting office, as well as other administrative tasks.
Connection with modern communication flows is guaranteed, thanks to pre-set lines for fast internet.
For those who value good connectivity, the proximity of all necessary traffic lines facilitates daily business activities and quick arrival to the desired destination.
Apart from the fact that the building has excellent ventilation, insulation and quality construction only emphasize its quality of construction.
The office space is available for occupancy from February 1 and is ready to become the headquarters of your successful business.
Agency commission 50%
Contact phones: 011/6707565; 060/5449-002; 011/2015-718